Embassy News

The Filipino (Retro)Romanticist: PH Embassy in Paris holds lecture on Nick Joaquin works for History Month

31 August 2024. The Philippine Embassy in France hosts a lecture on the translation and analysis of Nick Joaquin Short Stories by Professor Luis Castellví Laukamp on 30 August 2024 in honor of History Month. Embassy personnel and members of the Filipino community joined the session onsite and through Facebook live.

Prof. Castellví Laukamp delivers the lecture on Nick Joaquin’s works to the Philippine Embassy personnel and members of the Filipino community. 

Professor Castellví Laukamp discussed his analysis on three selected works of Nick Joaquin namely, The Mass of St. Sylvester, The Legend of the Virgin’s Jewel, and Doña Jeronima. He explored the genre and elements in Nick Joaquin’s works contextualized in important periods of Philippine history, i.e., Hispanic and American periods. The exploration of his works also calls for a comparative analysis with Spanish and other postcolonial Hispanic writers. 


Ambassador Junever Mahilum-West welcomed the audience to the talk and reminded them of the observances it aligned to, i.e., National Language Month and History Month. 

The guest lecturer donated a copy of his recently published book entitled La mujer con dos ombligos: Cuentos y leyendas de Filipinas (Pre-Textos, 2023), the first anthology of Nick Joaquin’s short stories ever published in Spanish. His work was made possible by a grant from the Philippines’ National Book Development Board which also awarded a second grant on his second proposal on the work of another Filipino author, Professor. Jose Dalisay, Jr. 


The Embassy's library welcomes the donated copy of Prof. Castellví Laukamp’s La mujer con dos ombligos: Cuentos y leyendas de Filipinas (Pre-Textos, 2023). 

Members of the audience actively participated during the lectures’s Q&A session. Questions ranging from the author’s interest in Philippine culture and history, Nick Joaquin’s genre, and insights on promoting study of historical authors were raised among others. 


Members of the audience pose for a photo with lecturer Prof. Castellví Laukamp and Embassy personnel. 

Through activities like this lecture, transcending language and history, the Embassy strategically engages the public to wider and deeper conversations exploring the Filipino identity and heritage. END.